Come learn how an opera is made, then create your own!
Co-hosted with Boston Lyric Opera
Scroll down to the purple box to register for this special week.
Did you know that all operas (even the most famous ones) are simply sung-through stories? If you can write a story and sing it, then you’ve created an opera!
For 3rd to 6th graders who love singing, music, and theatre, Opera Kids is a special and exclusive opportunity to write, compose, and perform a mini opera in 1 week, with Boston Lyric Opera’s master teaching artists!
In just one week, participants will:
– learn how to write a libretto (the text of a show) and create their own musical
– compose and perform their own original songs
– design and create costumes, props, sets, and lighting with BLO Master Teaching Artists
– share their opera in a special performance!
Students will learn about how an opera company works and the different “opera jobs” and roles inside an opera company, such as: Marketing Manager, Stage Manager, Master Electrician/Lighting Designer, Stage Crew, Costume & Make-Up Designer, Head Carpenter/Props & Set Designer, Stage Director, Musicians, Singers, Composer, and Librettist.
They’ll collaborate to write music and lyrics, create scenes and a storyline, and build sets and lighting for their opera.
They’ll also diversify their way of thinking and develop creativity, social and emotional skills, self- confidence, respect for others, decision-making and critical thinking through an array of art activities.
Opera Kids runs concurrently with Opera Creation Bootcamp, Boston Lyric Opera’s professional development intensive/teacher training for local educators. Each afternoon, Opera Kids participants will join with Opera Creation Bootcamp educators for integrated sessions as they work together towards a final performance.
2025 Opera Kids Details
Monday, August 11 – Friday, August 15, 2025
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Final performance on Friday, 3:45 pm!
Sample Daily Schedule
(subject to change)
9:00 am, Arrival / Drop-off
9:30 – 10:30 am, Welcome, Group Values, Warm-Up Games and Icebreakers
10:30 – 10:45 am, Break
10:45 – 12:00 pm, Opera Jobs (see examples above!)
12:00 – 1:00 pm, Lunch
1:00 – 2:15 pm, Rotating Sessions (tableaus, character development, concept boards, rehearsal, etc.)
2:15 – 2:30 pm, Break and join teachers
2:30 – 4:00 pm, Integrated Sessions (performance exploration, movement, melody building, rehearsal, etc.)
4:00 – 4:30 pm, Debrief and wrap up
4:30 pm, Pick-Up